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Sustainable Development

Building an ecosystem that values business ethics


Honesty and integrity are integral components of SY's corporate values. We uphold a high level of business integrity in our operations and adhere to high standards of conduct in our business engagements with all stakeholders. We strictly prohibit any form of corruption, bribery, extortion, blackmail, money laundering, and misappropriation of public funds and are committed to maintaining compliant operations and contributing to the healthy development of the industry.



We have established the "SY Holdings Group Limited Anti-Corruption and Complaint Reporting Management System", which lays out detailed and comprehensive guidelines on mechanisms for internal and external complaint reporting, protection for anonymous whistleblowers, incentives and disciplinary measures related to reporting, and related training programs. We offer multiple channels for reporting, encouraging employees to report illegal or non-compliant activities while strictly safeguarding the rights and privacy of whistleblowers to protect their identity and prevent retaliation. Violations of these policies or breaches of whistleblower confidentiality are subject to serious disciplinary action or legal referral in accordance with relevant policies.



We have developed and implemented the "SY Holdings Group Limited Procurement Management System" based on the principles of fairness, justice, and transparency. The system standardizes the criteria and evaluation process for supplier selection. It also integrates ESG principles throughout the procurement process, which encourages suppliers to fulfill their social responsibilities, ensures lawful and compliant procurement practices, and improves delivery efficiency.